Copper Powder

Copper powder, a fine, reddish-brown dust, might seem unassuming at first glance. But beneath its humble appearance lies a treasure trove of potential, waiting to be unlocked in a multitude of applications. From high-tech electronics to traditional crafts, copper powder's unique properties make it a valuable material across diverse industries.

In the industrial sector, copper powder's strength and malleability come into play. It's a key ingredient in powder metallurgy, a process used to manufacture intricate metal parts without traditional melting and casting. This technique allows for the creation of complex shapes with high precision and reduced material waste, making copper powder a sustainable choice for various industrial applications.

Title Text
100 100 % pass on it
200 35-50 % pass on it
Title Text Text Text
Flow Rate (see/50g) 12-14 17-19 24-26
Apparent Density (g/cc) 5.25-5.30 4.40-4.45 3.97-3.99
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Element Wt%
Cu 99.0% min
Other Metal In traces