Cuprous Oxide

Cuprous Oxide Cuprous oxide (Cu2O) is an oxide of copper also known as Copper(I) oxide. It is insoluble in water and organic solvents. We are manufacturing it by electrolysis method. Cuprous oxide is commonly used as a pigment, a fungicide and an antifouling agent for marine paints. It is used in agricultural fungicide, seed dressing; In Mineral supplements against an insufficiency of copper in the diet of animals, colorant for porcelain, glazes and glass.As an catalyst in various dyes and pharmaceutical industries. Cuprous oxide was the first substance known to behave as a semiconductor. The biological property of copper compounds takes important role in as fungicides in agriculture and biocides in antifouling paints for ships and wood preservations.

Description Specification
Molecular Formula Cu2O
Molecular Weight 143.08
Appearance Dark Red Crystalline Powder
Method of Manufacturing Electrolytic
Apparent Density 1.5 to 2.0 gm/cc.
Average Particle Size ( FSSS ) 3-4 microns
Mesh Analysis -400 (99 % min)
Assay as Cu2O 97 % min.
Total Copper (Cu) 87 % min
Free Copper 0.5 % max.
Cupric Oxide 1 % max.
Reducing Power 97 % min.
Acid Insolubles (Nitric) 0.1 % max.
Volatile Matter Nil.
Free Copper 0.5 % max.
Moisture 0.1 % max.
Other Metallic Impurites 0.5 % max.
Other Anionic Impurites 0.5 % max.
Oil Absorption 11-13 gm/cc